Direct Tax Updates: What Changes For You After The Recent Budget

Direct Tax Updates: What Changes For You After The Recent Budget

This recent Union Budget has brought in a spate of major changes in direct taxes, impacting every individual taxpayer and investor. Getting one’s head around the new tax regime to keeping oneself aware of the revision in the capital gains tax on equity shares, ETFs, and mutual funds—is crucial in comprehending their impact on your finances. This blog will break down all the key updates that you should be aware to stay ahead in the taxation game. The New Tax Regime What has changed? The tax slabs have been modified to increase more tax savings for individuals opting for the …

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Liquid ETFs, Returns and Their Uses: A Comprehensive Guide

Liquid ETFs, Returns and Their Uses: A Comprehensive Guide

Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) have become an increasingly popular investment vehicle due to their flexibility, liquidity, and the variety of assets they can encompass. Among the various types of ETFs available, liquid ETFs are one of the less known ETFs that can have many use cases for investors. This blog will delve into what liquid ETFs are, where they invest, their safety, uses, and the taxation rules that apply to them.  What Are Liquid ETFs? Liquid ETFs are a type of exchange-traded fund that invests primarily in short-term, highly liquid money market instruments. They are designed to provide investors with a …

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Listed Artificial Intelligence Companies in India

Listed Artificial Intelligence Companies in India

Artificial intelligence (AI) offers global options to complement and supplement human intelligence while also improving people’s lives and workplaces. AI and machine learning, with their diverse applications, may be found in practically every technological element of our lives. On a larger scale, AI and machine learning have had a disruptive impact on various industries, including agriculture, retail, healthcare, and education, among others. It also has the potential to transform businesses and increase efficiency by automating jobs, personalising customer experiences, and optimising operations. Spending on AI and machine learning has been increasing sharply in tandem with the technology’s potential. India spent …

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Promising Battery Stocks Charging Up the Indian Market

Promising Battery Stocks Charging Up the Indian Market

Batteries are the silent workhorses of today’s society, powering everything from smartphones to electric automobiles. We use batteries in our daily lives for everything from electric vehicle operation to TV remotes. However, their importance is frequently overlooked. As India places more emphasis on producing renewable energy, the need for batteries has increased to unprecedented levels. They are also playing an increasingly important role in powering our energy infrastructure and the transportation sector as the country moves closer to a sustainable future. The size of the  battery industry in India is projected to be USD 7.20 billion in 2024 and is …

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Top Wind Energy Companies in India

Top Wind Energy Companies in India

With its growing population and rising energy needs, India has recently had to deal with the difficult task of juggling power generation with environmental obligations. The country’s carbon footprint has also increased as a result of its growing population, which accounted for 1.44 billion in January 2024 (According to a report by a statistical firm, DataReportal); the government wishes to monitor that. In the wake of these rising environmental concerns, the emphasis has switched from using fossil fuels to other renewable energy sources. India can produce energy without damaging the environment and lessen its reliance on fossil fuels by harnessing …

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Is It Safe To Invest Via SIP?

Is It Safe To Invest Via SIP?

From its inception in 1963 till now – mutual funds in India have come a long way. But one thing has remained constant. And that is the apprehension of investors regarding how safe their money is in these mutual funds. Some people go one step further and wonder whether investing via SIP carries more risk. Let’s debunk all myths about this today. What Is an SIP Let’s give you an analogy. You buy an AC worth Rs.40,000. Instead of paying the amount upfront, you pay in instalments. Why? The payment becomes manageable. You don’t feel the pinch when you pay …

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Listed Cyber Security Stocks In India

Listed Cyber Security Stocks In India

As long as the world is powered by the internet and computers, cyber security will stay relevant. That’s another way of saying that the cybersecurity industry is a stable, future-proof industry. And why wouldn’t it be? The world is witnessing a record surge in cyber attacks on a year-on-year basis. 2023 saw a staggering 6.06 billion malware attacks around the globe. India, too, witnessed a 15% rise in cyber attacks in 2023, totalling 2138 attacks per organisation. Cybersecurity is the need of the hour. Businesses and individuals – both require the services of cyber security companies to keep themselves safe …

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Understanding Nomination in Demat Accounts: A Comprehensive Guide

Understanding Nomination in Demat Accounts: A Comprehensive Guide

If you have financial assets, you know the importance of a demat account. It is a digital repository of all your securities, such as shares, government bonds, mutual funds, and exchange-traded funds (EFTs). One of the main benefits of having a Demat account is it is safe, secure, and easily transferable. But who is entitled to these assets in case of unfortunate events? Having a nominee for a Demat account is one of the most important steps in safeguarding the assets. But who is a nominee? This article will walk you through the entire concept of nomination in Demat accounts. …

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Viable Solar Energy Stocks in India

Viable Solar Energy Stocks in India

India is a leading player, not just a follower, in the global shift towards solar energy generation and consumption. As of April 2024, India ranked fifth in the world for solar power[1]  with an astounding 82.63 GW of installed solar energy—a thirty-fold increase[2] in just nine years. This implies enormous possibilities for the production of solar power in the future. The National Institute of Solar Energy (NISE) estimates India’s solar potential at a remarkable rate of 748 GWp[3]. Since 2014, the installed capacity of renewable energy, particularly the hydro, has expanded by over 128%. Clearly, India’s solar energy business is …

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Smart Beta Funds: Should You Invest In Them?

Smart Beta Funds: Should You Invest In Them?

There are two extremes in the mutual fund world. One one end, there are those actively managed funds. And on the other end, there are passive funds that track indexes. However, there is a middle path – smart beta funds. What Is a Smart Beta Fund? A smart beta fund tracks a particular index, but the stocks are selected NOT on the basis of market-cap, but on the basis of certain factors. These factors include: value, momentum, dividend, quality etc. The way smart beta funds work, it can be mistaken as an actively managed fund. However there are some differences …

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