Exploring Restoration Benefits in Health Insurance

Exploring Restoration Benefits in Health Insurance

Without a doubt, health insurance is the shield that can help you meet unexpected and large medical emergencies. In the absence of a comprehensive health cover, you would have to rely on your savings or even worse –high interest personal loans. Using your savings means sacrificing your other essential goals– your daughter’s education, your retirement or the dream house you were panning for. Hence, buying a health insurance is crucial for your financial health. But buying a policy is also a tough task– a lot of insurers to shift through and lot of features to get your head around. In …

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5 Terms You Must Know About Your Health Insurance

5 Terms You Must Know About Your Health Insurance

Health insurance is the basic foundation of a sound financial plan. A health insurance policy can help you cover the costs of medical surgeries, expenses, and other procedures. With a comprehensive health policy in place, your overall planning can largely stay unaffected as unexpected medical bills can be covered or reimbursed by health policies. With the rising medical inflation, the cost of surgeries and procedures in India is rising. Hence, health coverage is a necessary step you should be taking toward your finances. Moreover, buying a policy isn’t sufficient if you do not give the time to understand it. Knowing …

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How to choose a good health insurance policy?

How to choose a good health insurance policy?

With the times we are in, health insurance is on everyone’s mind, and it’s rightly so. Buying the right policy can make all the difference in your life. With medical inflation skyrocketing, it is even more pertinent to be familiar with health insurance policies. The number of health policies available in India is upward of 150 – you may not be entirely correct if you think this gives you a lot of choices. A large number of choices gives rise to what is known as the paradox of choice –it describes how people generally get overwhelmed when faced with a …

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10 Things to know before buying a Health Insurance

10 Things to know before buying a Health Insurance

The amount of premium you pay for your health insurance policy should not be the only determinant for selecting a health insurance plan. Cheaper plans provide only a basic cover and may not offer all the features you need. In contrast, the more expensive ones may provide additional benefits which you may never use. Before you choose a Health Insurance Policy, you may consider the following pointers to select the most suitable option for yourself- • Individual Policy vs. Family Floater Plan – This covers all family members from children to senior citizens under a single plan. The cover floats on all …

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