Why an Emergency Fund is Crucial for your Financial Security

If life is a cricket match, not every ball is going to be easy. There will be yorkers, bouncers and googlies. The question is how prepared are you to handle these yorkers and bouncers? Take, for example, the story of Allie and Steve who worked in the same company. In 2022 when the couple had just had a baby, the company fired them. Imagine the kind of distress they would have been in if they had not saved for an emergency. Emergencies don’t knock at the door, they barge in. And the only weapon to fight these emergencies is liquid …

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How Budgeting Helped Arjun Take Control of His Finances

How Budgeting Helped Arjun Take Control of His Finances

Allow me to introduce you to Arjun, a young professional who has just acquired his first job. The excitement of earning one’s own money and the newly acquired freedom to spend it as he saw fit was intoxicating. Arjun celebrated his new job: nice dinners, gadgets that he had hitherto eyed and bought, enjoying weekends out with friends. Pretty soon, the thrill started to wear off as reality started seeping in. Despite his salary, Arjun soon came to realize that meeting his most basic or unexpected expenses came from waiting for a paycheck. The piling of unexpected costs, with no …

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Achieve Financial Independence with These 7 Habits

Achieve Financial Independence with These 7 Habits

For most people, financial freedom is something to be desired, but very few work toward it. It is not about amassing wealth; instead, it is about living a lifestyle that your finances can sustain and support in how you really want to live. To some, it may mean early retirement; to others, it could be being able to pursue your passion and not worry about the income that will be generated or just the ability to make choices without worrying about the money. The journey to financial independence may look overwhelming, but proper habits can help in building gradual financial …

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10 questions to ask yourself when investing in mutual funds

10 questions to ask yourself when investing in mutual funds

Mutual funds are one of the best ways to invest in a disciplined manner at a lower cost and with professional management. It helps you invest easily in equities which is a solid recipe for long-term wealth creation. But with so many options out there, how do you really know which one is right for you? In this piece, we will at the 10 most important questions you should ask yourself before investing in any mutual fund scheme. What are my investment goals and time horizon? Goals help you define the duration of your investment and the amount you would …

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Understanding the Risk, Reward And Viability of Overnight Funds

Understanding the Risk, Reward And Viability of Overnight Funds

Are you planning to start your investment journey but not sure what your risk appetite is? Or do you want to keep your quarterly bonus somewhere accessible before the next big Goa trip? Well, whatever maybe your financial plan, overnight funds may just be the right investment instrument for you. Why, you ask? This article has answers to all your questions. Read along to explore a new investment avenue perfect for different types of investors. What are overnight funds? Overnight funds are a short-term investment tool. SEBI refers to it as open-ended debt funds with a maturity period of one …

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Liquid ETFs, Returns and Their Uses: A Comprehensive Guide

Liquid ETFs, Returns and Their Uses: A Comprehensive Guide

Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) have become an increasingly popular investment vehicle due to their flexibility, liquidity, and the variety of assets they can encompass. Among the various types of ETFs available, liquid ETFs are one of the less known ETFs that can have many use cases for investors. This blog will delve into what liquid ETFs are, where they invest, their safety, uses, and the taxation rules that apply to them.  What Are Liquid ETFs? Liquid ETFs are a type of exchange-traded fund that invests primarily in short-term, highly liquid money market instruments. They are designed to provide investors with a …

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Is It Safe To Invest Via SIP?

Is It Safe To Invest Via SIP?

From its inception in 1963 till now – mutual funds in India have come a long way. But one thing has remained constant. And that is the apprehension of investors regarding how safe their money is in these mutual funds. Some people go one step further and wonder whether investing via SIP carries more risk. Let’s debunk all myths about this today. What Is an SIP Let’s give you an analogy. You buy an AC worth Rs.40,000. Instead of paying the amount upfront, you pay in instalments. Why? The payment becomes manageable. You don’t feel the pinch when you pay …

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Are Your Mutual Funds Overlapping?

Are Your Mutual Funds Overlapping?

Investors use mutual funds to avoid putting all eggs in the same basket. When you invest in a mutual fund, you effectively invest in multiple stocks on a fractional basis. This diversification helps you stay relatively safe from market volatility.

The problem arises when you invest in multiple mutual funds having the same underlying stocks. This is what we call overlapping mutual funds. There are numerous downsides to this overlap. Let’s understand this in a more detailed way.

Mutual Fund Overlap: Here’s a Simple Scenario

Imagine you have invested in two mutual funds – UTI Large Cap fund and SBI Bluechip fund. You thought that since the names of the funds are different, the underlying stocks will be different as well. But that is not the case.

These two funds have a lot of overlapping underlying stocks –

As you can see, the portfolios of these funds are made up of stocks that are common in both.

The Problem With Overlapping Mutual Funds: Less Diversification, More


Investing in mutual funds with overlapping underlying stocks makes your entire portfolio susceptible to market volatility.

  • If your mutual fund portfolio has too much overlapping of underlying securities, it means that you have more exposure to those overlapping securities. Hence, if the price of any of these overlapping securities falls sharply, it will have a more pronounced negative impact on your overall portfolio. In a nutshell, you will not be getting the benefit of diversification if you invest in overlapping mutual funds.
  • Another problem with investing in overlapping mutual funds is the fact that it makes your overall investment journey expensive. How? Suppose you invested in mutual funds A and B, which have a significant number of overlapping securities underneath. Both of these funds charge you in the form of an expense ratio. This means that you are paying two funds to manage the same set of stocks. Imagine if there was no overlap in these mutual funds. In that case, you would have been paying two funds to manage two different sets of stocks, which is more logical.

There are many free tools available on the internet that help you see if the mutual funds you have invested in have overlapping securities. These tools will help you understand the percentage of the overlap between two mutual funds schemes.

Why Overlap Happens and How To Avoid Portfolio Overlap?

There are several reasons why portfolio overlap happens:

  • Portfolio overlap can be prominently seen when the investment universe is small like in the case for large cap funds. There is a finite amount of large cap stocks (top 100) that these funds can invest in as per SEBI mandate. As a result, different largecap funds have the high likelihood of investing in the same underlying stocks.
  • Secondly, funds with the same investment theme can have portfolio overlap. Why? Because the theme or sector is the same and there are only a limited number of stocks there. For example, technology funds have to predominantly invest in technology and IT stocks. So different technology funds have to choose from the same universe of IT stocks.
  • Lastly, different funds from the same AMC can have portfolio overlap because the investment philosophy of the AMC. An AMC can have a broad investment philosophy that they apply to all of their funds. Hence, even different categories of funds can have overlapping stocks.


So, how to avoid mutual fund overlap?

Invest in mutual funds across different categories. For example, both LIC MF large-cap fund and Edelweiss Large-cap fund invest in large-cap stocks. These two funds are in the same category. As a result, they have a whopping 68% portfolio overlap.

Let’s go back to the example of UTI Large Cap fund and SBI Blue-chip fund. The category of these funds is the same (and as we said, Large cap funds have a mandate to invest in the top 100 stocks only as per market capitalisation). As a result, these funds have a huge overlap.


To avoid this, invest in funds from differing categories.

Interestingly, many AMCs have their own investment philosophies that they stick to. Thus, when you invest in seemingly different funds from the same AMC, there is a possibility of portfolio overlap.

Here’s an example. UTI Large Cap funds and UTI Flexi Cap funds are funds under two different categories. But since the funds are run by the same AMC having the same investment philosophy, a sizeable percentage of overlap can be observed.


  • So, make sure you invest in funds from different AMCs – don’t stick to just one.
  • Lastly, review your mutual fund portfolio periodically. This is specifically true in the case of flexicap and multicap funds and other actively managed funds. The holdings of these funds change frequently. This change in holding might gradually create an overlap between two such funds.

How Much Is Too Much Overlap in Mutual Funds?

Usually, you can’t avoid portfolio overlap to a certain extent. It’s likely that there will be some common underlying stocks in mutual funds that you have invested in. You just have to make sure that the overlap is not too much. But how much is too much? There is no standard rule in this regard, but it’s advisable not to have more than 30% to 35% overlap.

In the end…

Diversification smoothens the bumpy road of investment. And one of the primary objectives of investing in mutual funds is to achieve this diversification. It keeps your investments safe from volatility. You don’t have to care if one or two stocks go down. But when these one or two stocks grab the lion’s share of your overall mutual fund portfolio, that’s when the problem begins. In such a scenario, the price movement of these few stocks affects the stability of your entire portfolio. Always make sure that your overall portfolio does not have too much overlap. The journey of wealth-making is a long one. You don’t want a bumpy road.


-Nischay Avichal




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Exploring Restoration Benefits in Health Insurance

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Without a doubt, health insurance is the shield that can help you meet unexpected and large medical emergencies. In the absence of a comprehensive health cover, you would have to rely on your savings or even worse –high interest personal loans. Using your savings means sacrificing your other essential goals– your daughter’s education, your retirement or the dream house you were panning for. Hence, buying a health insurance is crucial for your financial health. But buying a policy is also a tough task– a lot of insurers to shift through and lot of features to get your head around. In …

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