In the last blog, we discussed the common corporate actions, the reasons a company may carry those out, and the implication on shareholders. In this piece, we will be breaking down corporate actions through the taxation angle. If you haven’t read the first blog in this series, please click here to read the same. Before we begin, let’s take a minute to understand how equity shares are taxed. You can either incur capital gains or a capital loss on the sale of your equity shares (Profit/Loss on the sale of your shares). The capital gains are calculated by deducting the purchase cost from the sale value. The taxes are levied on these …
Things to know before the LIC IPO
The Life Insurance Corporation of India is coming out with India’s largest IPO. Once listed, LIC will likely become the country’s biggest company by market capitalization. It is the sole public player out of India’s 24 life insurance companies to date. The company plans to sell 3.5% of its stake through an offer for sale (OFS). The corporation is also offering special discounts and reservations to policyholders and employees. The company has reserved 35% of the total issue for retail investors, 10% for the policyholders, and 5% for LIC employees. To avail of the 10 percent quota of policyholders, you …
What are Corporate Actions?
Corporate actions help investors get an idea of how the management plans to maintain the company’s future path. These periodic events affect investors and the company’s financial structure in various ways. Understanding their implications can help you make investment decisions & understand the company’s financial prospects. This article discusses the five common corporate actions – Dividends, bonuses, Splits, Rights, and Buybacks. DIVIDEND Dividends are a medium through which the company distributes its profits to the shareholders. Companies are not obligated to pay dividends to the shareholders. Some companies choose instead to use the reserves for expansion and future growth. Dividend payments have a specific timeline to shortlist all the eligible beneficiaries. Some of the …
Are you still holding your mutual fund units in Physical form? Do you know you can hold the units in your Demat account? Demat account can offer many advantages like getting a consolidated view of your investments in one place. Since you may hold your mutual fund investments with various mutual fund houses, availing services from various RTAs, tracking and investing among AMCs can become cumbersome over time. De-materialization: converting physical shares and mutual funds into electronic form that can be held in your Demat Account without the fear of misplacing or damage of the physical certificates. However this is not the case with mutual fund units …
All you must know about Deductions under Section 80C
If you are a taxpayer, it is important to understand the various tax deductions that you can claim. Knowing the various deductions, you are eligible for and claiming them appropriately can help you reduce your tax liability and save more. In this blog, we discuss the list of deductions available under the most common section most taxpayers are well aware of – 80C. What are tax deductions? Tax deductions help you reduce your taxable income by deducting eligible investments or expenses from your income. These deductions are specified under Chapter VI A (Section 80C to 80U) of the Income Tax …
Beginners? ETF is made for you!
New investors setting foot in the equity markets are more likely to find themselves overwhelmed and perplexed. The market can be such a place, especially for beginners. The equity market isn’t a serene or simple place in any sense. A lot goes on & affects the markets daily—a lot!! An enormous amount of data and news is churned and thrown around daily. Amid this, investors can find themselves questioning – Where to begin? How to keep track? What to look for? Equity investments are the best way to generate wealth and beat inflation. With the right investment mindset and risk management,any investor can succeed. A great starting place for …
ইটিএফ – নতুন বিনিয়োগকারীদের জন্য
ইক্যুইটি হলো বিনিয়োগের মাধ্যমে সম্পদ তৈরি করার এবং মুদ্রাস্ফীতিকে হারানোর সবচেয়ে ভালো উপায়। কিন্তু ইক্যুইটি বাজার ,নতুন বিনিয়োগকারীদের মনে উদ্বেগ এবং বিভ্রান্তি তৈরি করতে পারে। বাজার তাদের জন্য কোনো অর্থেই সহজ জায়গা নয়। প্রতিদিন অনেক ঘটনা ঘটে এবং বাজারের ওপর প্রভাব ফেলে। প্রচুর তথ্য ও খবর প্রতিদিন আপনাকে প্রভাবিত করে। তাহলে এখন প্রশ্ন – কোথা থেকে শুরু করবেন ? কিভাবে পর্যবেক্ষণ করবেন? বিনিয়োগের চাবিকাঠি হলো – সঠিকভাবে বিনিযোগকরার মানষিকতা এবং ঝুঁকি নেওয়ার ক্ষমতা । বিনিয়োগকারী হিসাবে আপনার একটা দুর্দান্ত শুরুর জায়গা হতে পারে ইটিএফ (এক্সচেঞ্জ ট্রেডেড ফান্ড) . ইটিএফ (এক্সচেঞ্জ ট্রেডেড ফান্ড) কী ? ইটিএফ হলো বিনিয়োগকারীদের অর্থের একটি তহবিল …
Writing a Will? Here are 5 Things to Keep in Mind
I don’t need a Will. Estate Planning is for the wealthy. I’ll think about it after my retirement. I have registered my nominees. Everything is set in place. My daughter/son/legal heirs are mature enough! These are some of the common myths surrounding estate planning. Contrary to what many people might think, estate planning is essential for all. We tread within the uncertainties of life. Preparing a Will is about how you would like your assets passed down in your absence. If a person dies intestate (Without a Will), their assets are distributed according to their religion. The critical point to note …
Why is Risk Profiling Crucial in Financial Planning?
What do you usually think of before investing your money? If you have ever sought financial advice, you would have come across the term risk profiling. Financial advisors are keen to dig out and examine this vital area. So, what is risk profiling all about? Why not just invest your money to generate the maximum returns? Things aren’t that simple. There is a limit to the risk you will be willing to bear for those returns. What is risk profiling? The objective of any investment is to generate an optimal rate of return. But every investment involves a certain degree of risk. If there is a higher risk, a …
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