How Insurance can Protect You from Uncertainty in Your Life

How Insurance can Protect You from Uncertainty in Your Life

Life is uncertain. Insurance is for protection against uncertainty. So when we buy insurance, our objective is protection. In this blog, we cover everything you should know about insurance. How insurance works Let us begin with a simple story. There was a village beside a river. The river used to flood every year and four houses on average used to get destroyed due to the natural calamity. The village was such that all the houses were located within proximity to the river and they were all at an equal risk of damage. So all the villagers knew that four houses would break, …

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Why is financial planning important for our future?

Why is financial planning important for our future?

Financial planning gives a direction to our lives. Without knowing our finances, our goals and the timeline we expect to reach each goal, life moves like a rudderless ship.  A person, who knows the following facts, leads an organised life in terms of money matters than one who doesn’t know them clearly, despite whoever earns more: We all know a few facts, or we can know them easily – how do the sovereign bonds grow in the country (the risk-free rate) and how the consumer prices are growing (inflation). We all know the most certain in life is to die, but we do not …

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Achieve Life Goals through Financial Planning : A Step-by-Step Guide

Achieve Life Goals through Financial Planning : A Step-by-Step Guide

Our Future is very unpredictable. If you are planning your life under the assumption that everything will remain as it is, you are putting yourself and your finance in great danger. No matter how hard we try one cannot really predict what is in store for you in the times to come. We all have our own goals, desires and objectives that we dream to fulfil at some point of time, but these objectives cannot be achieved without a solid financial planning. Financial Planning is a strategy to achieve your life’s objectives through meticulous management of your finances. It helps to determine your …

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